Don't marry her if...
1:47 PMBut now, you want to change yourself. You are planning to expand your house. Looking at couples makes you want to reach her and claim her yours. And kids, Oh my god, you are witnessing too much cuteness showering from those little creatures playing in a nearby park. Settling down which was never on your list, seemingly you are ready for it.Well not to forget, lately you have been day-dreaming of having a baby girl with the girl you're in love with.
Hang on! Are you really sure that she is the one or you are just imprisoned of an emotional breakthrough. Changing yourself seems fine to you now, but don't rush to settle down before you do a little fact-check and these reasons may fall true for you.
- Marry her cause she isn't a goddess, she is a diva who lives on her own terms and respects yours too. Comfort zone or space bubble you both have talked it through and are ready to offer unasked space to each other.
- Marry her cause she is philosophically challenged and made of tough reality. "Never change yourself for anybody", seems no true to you guys anymore. Change is inevitable. You are changing yourself a bit and she too compromises whenever need be.
- Marry her if she is totally okay with you falling asleep while your are on Skype with her. How many hours? Doesn't really count. She is happy to be with you all the while you are sleeping and may eventually fall asleep too.
- Marry her if she is the one who asks you to checkout random girls in a mall. She pinches you and point out the girls who ogle at you and giggle. You know that moment you fall for her all over again.

- Marry her cause you know how much she is into her hobbies and then she chooses you above all, because she told you once that their is no comparison between humans and hobbies. So you respect her choice and while giving her her 'me time' you let her reach you whenever she wants.
- Marry her cause when you tell her "I'm crazy for you", she replies with "and I am crazy for us".
- Marry her if you sometimes just look at her in awe while she is talking about some general stuff. You wonder why didn't you find her before. You're proud of having her.
- Marry her if you don't find her behavior annoying but cute and you are sure that you will feel the same way always. You speak your mind and heart without giving a second thought and enjoy every conversation you have with her, even the silence.

- Marry her if you are not intimidated by her independent behavior and at the same time she allows you to take her responsibility. If she doesn't make you feel this way, drop the idea of marrying her right away.
- And last but not the least, marry her cause she wants you to.